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The term research has two words Re + search . Re= again; and  search  = find out something new. Research is oriented towards  the discovery of  relationship that exists among different phenomena of the world


Research is systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomenon.                                                                                                                                                                                  -Kerlinger

Research may be defined as the systematic method of discovering new facts or verifying old facts, their sequences, interrelationships, casual explanations and the natural laws which govern them.                                                                                                                             -Young PV


      It is a scientific investigation. Research (re-search) means to “search again.’ It connotes patient study and scientific investigation.

      It develops concepts and the theories.

      It is solution oriented and directed towards the solution of a problem.

      It determines the relation between two or more variables.

      Research emphasizes to the development of theories, concept, principles and generalization that are helpful in predicting future occurrences.

      Research is replicable. The design, procedures and result of scientific research should be replicable so that any person other than researcher may assess the validity of research.

      Research requires that researchers have full knowledge of the problem under the study.

      Logical and objective

      Hypothesis oriented

      Gather new knowledge


      It’s main aim is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet.

      To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it.

      To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group.

      To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else.

      To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables



 Fundamental Research/Pure Research/Basic Research:

It is undertaken for the sake of knowledge without any intension to apply it in practice. This research helps in developing theories by discovering broad generalization and principles. It is organized through different procedures of research like sampling, hypothesizing facts, etc. It can be experimented in a psychological laboratory. Research concerning some natural phenomenon or relating to pure mathematics, research studies concerning human behavior carried on with a view to make generalizations about human behaviour are examples of fundamental research.


It aims a finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a society or an industrial/business organization. Solve practical problem of the modern world, rather than to acquire knowledge for knowledge sake.  Marketing research is an example of applied research.

Exploratory Research

It is a preliminary study of an unfamiliar problem about which researcher has little or no knowledge. The objective of exploratory research is the development of hypothesis rather than their testing.

Action Research

Its aim is immediate application but not any development of theory. It is research either initiated to solve the immediate problem or if the researcher finds any problem during the course of his field investigation and observation he applies it.

Descriptive study

Includes surveys and fact findings enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs, as it exists at present. In social science and business research the term often used is ex-post fact research. The researcher has no control over the variables, he can only report what has happened or what is happening.

Evaluation Study

      It is a type of applied research. It is made for assessing and taking stock of effectiveness of social or economic programmes. For example : Family planning scheme, Irrigation project.

Diagnostic Study

      Similar to descriptive study but with a different focus, which is directed towards discovering what is happening? Why is it happening and what can be done about it?. It aims at identifying the causes of problems and possible solutions for it.

Evaluation Study

It is a type of applied research. It is made for assessing and taking stock of effectiveness of social or economic programmes. For example : Family planning scheme, Irrigation project.

Diagnostic Study

Similar to descriptive study but with a different focus, which is directed towards discovering what is happening? Why is it happening and what can be done about it?. It aims at identifying the causes of problems and possible solutions for it.


A variable is a feature or aspect of an event , function or process, which is being studied.

Types of variable

      Experimental Variable: an experiment is conducted in order to see the effect of a variable or treatment is known as experimental variable

      Controlled variable : when the effectiveness of  an experimental variable  is examined by comparing with other variables is known as controlled variable

      Dependent variable : the basis on which the effectiveness of the experimental variables is established or studied is known as the depended variable

      Intervening variable : there are a number of abstract (invincible) variable working in educational experiment which intervene the effect of experimental variables or dependent variable eg: attitude, motivation, learning process etc

 Research Methods

Research Methods are tools, techniques or processes that are used for conduction of research and Aims at finding solutions to research problems.

Research Methodology

This is the principles that guide our research practices. Research methodology aims at the employment of the correct procedures to find out solutions.


Hypothesis of the Study

      A hypothesis is a logical supposition, a reasonable guess, an educated conjecture. It provides a tentative explanation for a phenomenon under investigation.” (Leedy and Ormrod, 2001).

      Hypotheses are testable explanations of a problem, phenomenon, or observation.

      Both quantitative and qualitative research involve formulating a hypothesis to address the research problem.

      Hypotheses that suggest a causal relationship involve at least one independent variable and at least one dependent variable

Type of Hypothesis

Below are some of the important types of hypothesis

1.            Simple Hypothesis

2.            Complex Hypothesis

3.            Empirical Hypothesis

4.            Null Hypothesis

5.            Alternative Hypothesis

6.            Logical Hypothesis

7.            Statistical Hypothesis

Simple Hypothesis

      Simple hypothesis is that one in which there exists relationship between two variables one is called independent variable or cause and other is dependent variable or effect.

Complex Hypothesis

Complex hypothesis is that one in which as relationship among variables exists. In this type dependent as well as independent variables are more than two.

Empirical Hypothesis

Working hypothesis is that one which is applied to a field. During the formulation it is an assumption only but when it is put  to a test become an empirical or working hypothesis.


Null Hypothesis

Null hypothesis is contrary to the positive statement of a working hypothesis. According to null hypothesis there is no relationship between dependent and independent variable. It is denoted by ‘H0”. When a null hypothesis is rejected it shows the difference is existed between two variables

Alternative Hypothesis

An alternative hypothesis is to assert that the two samples drawn from population having the same mean.  It is denote by “H1”.

It involves two types of error

Type I error or Alpha error – when an alternative hypothesis H1 may accepted and H0 is rejected. It exhibit that the difference does not exist due to chance error

Type II error or Beta Error – when null hypothesis H0 is accepted and alternative hypothesis H1 is rejected . It exhibit that the difference is due to chance/sampling error

Logical Hypothesis

It is that type in which hypothesis is verified logically. J.S. Mill has given four area of these hypothesis e.g. agreement, disagreement, difference and residue.

Statistical Hypothesis

A hypothesis which can be verified statistically called statistical hypothesis. The statement would be logical or illogical but if statistic verifies it, it will be statistical hypothesis.

Conceptual Framework

      Conceptual Framework is a written or visual presentation that explains either graphically, or in narrative form, the main things to be studied – the key factors, concepts or variables and the presumed relationship among them.

      The conceptual framework identifies the research tools and methods that may be used to carry out the research effectively The main objective in forming a conceptual framework is to help the researcher give direction to the research..

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework enhances overall clarity of the research. It also helps the researcher get through the research faster as he has to look only for information within the theoretical framework, and not follow up any other information he finds on the topic. The objective of forming a theoretical framework is to define a broad framework within which a researcher may work

 Steps in Research

      Formulation of Research Problem

      Literature Survey

      Developing Hypothesis

      Preparing Research Design

      Determining Sample Design

      Collection of Data

      Execution of Project

      Analysis of data

      Hypothesis Testing

      Generalization and Interpretation

      Preparation of Report

Methods of Research

Experimental Method

An experiment is a test, a procedure used to find out something not presently known. Experiments are usually carried out in order to discover the cause of a phenomenon. The experimental method is a matter of logic, not of location. Even so, most experimentation takes place in special laboratories, chiefly because the control of conditions commonly requires special equipment that is best housed and used in one place.

Observational Method

In the observation method, the investigator will collect data through personal observations. In this method the investigator will observe the behavior of the respondents in disguise. Continuous monitoring of stock exchange index and share prices movements through newspaper and magazines is an example of observational method which will help investment companies and individuals effective management of portfolios.

Survey Method (Field Studies)

Those problems which are difficult to study by direct observation may be studied through the use of questionnaires or interviews. Surveys are usually appropriate in case of social and behavioural sciences. Surveys are concerned with describing, recording, analyzing and interpreting conditions that either exist or existed. The researcher does not manipulate the variable or arrange for events to happen. Thus, in surveys, variables that exist or have already occurred are selected and observed. The survey method gathers data from a relatively large number of cases at a particular time.

Case Studies

The case study method involves careful and complete observation of a social unit a person, a family, an institution, a cultural group or even the entire community. The case study is essentially an intensive investigation of the particular unit under consideration. The objective of the case study method is to locate the factors that account for the behavior patterns of the given unit as an integrated totality.

 Test Method

This method is used to measure all kinds of abilities, interests, attitudes, and accomplishments. Tests enable the psychologist to obtain large quantities of data from people with minimum disturbance of their living routines and without elaborate laboratory equipment. A test essentially presents a uniform situation to a group of people who vary in aspects relevant to the situation (such as intelligence, manual dexterity, anxiety, and perceptual skills).

