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Institutions for redressing sexual harassment

Institutions for redressing sexual harassment
The Supreme Court of India in its 1997 judgment in Vishakha and others vs. State of Rajasthan and others makes it obligatory for every employer and other responsible persons to follow the guidelines laid down by the Court and to evolve a specific policy to combat sexual harassment in the workplace. Educational institutions are bound by the same directive.
The right of women to protection from sexual harassment and the right to work with dignity are recognized as universal human rights by international instruments such as the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which has been ratified by India. The Supreme Court in the Vishakha judgment has held that each incident of sexual harassment results in the violation of the fundamental rights of Gender Equality and the Right to Life and Liberty. Sexual harassment is a clear violation of woman’s right to gender equality as guaranteed under Articles 14 and 15, her right to live with dignity under Article 21 and her right to work with dignity in a safe environment under Article 19 (1) (g) of the Constitution of India
landmark judgment, Vishaka vs. State of Rajasthan (1997)4 , the Supreme Court of India created legally binding guidelines basing it on the right to equality and dignity accorded under the Indian Constitution as well as by the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). It included:
·         A definition of sexual harassment
·         Shifting accountability from individuals to institutions
·         Prioritizing prevention
·         Provision of an innovative redress mechanism
·         Complaints Committee/s
The Act provides for two kinds of complaints mechanisms:
·         Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)
·         Local Complaints Committee (LCC).
All Complaints Committees must have 50 per cent representation of women.
1)      Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)
 Every employer is obliged to constitute an ICC through a written order. The ICC will be composed of the following members:
 1. Chairperson Women working at senior level as employee; if not available then nominated from other office/units/ department/ workplace of the same employer
2 Members (minimum) From amongst employees committed to the cause of women/ having legal knowledge/experience in social work
3. Member From amongst NGO/associations committed to the cause of women or a person familiar with the issue of Sexual Harassment

2) Local Complaints Committee (LCC)
The District Officer will constitute an LCC in every district so as to enable women in the unorganised sector or small establishments to work in an environment free of sexual harassment.
The LCC will receive complaints:
1. From women working in an organisation having less than 10 workers;
2. When the complaint is against the employer himself;
 3. From domestic workers.
1. Chairperson
 Nominated from amongst the eminent women in the field of social work and committed to the cause of women
2. Member Nominated from amongst the women working in the block, taluka or tehsil or ward or municipality in the district
3 Members Nominated from amongst such NGO/associations/persons committed to the cause of women or familiar with the issues relating to sexual harassment, provided that: • At least one must be a woman • At least one must have a background of law or legal knowledge
4. Ex Officio member the concerned officer dealing with social welfare or women and child development in the district
5) External Members on the Complaints Committee/s The Act refers to external members, which generally means persons who have expertise with the issue of sexual harassment.

·         To fulfill the directive of the Supreme Court of India enjoining all employers /Students
·         To develop and implement a policy against sexual harassment of women at the work place.
·         To uphold Women's Right to Protection against Sexual Harassment and the Right to Livelihood and towards that end for the prevention and redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women.
·         To evolve a permanent mechanism for the prevention, prohibition and redress of sexual harassment of women at workplace.
·         To actively promote a social, physical and psychological environment that will raise awareness about and deter acts of sexual harassment of girls and women.
·         To ensure the implementation of the policy in letter and spirit by undertaking all necessary and reasonable steps including the constitution of appropriate Committees for purposes of gender sensitization and to conduct enquiries into complaints of sexual harassment.
·         To uphold the commitment to provide an environment free of discrimination and violence against women.
·         To generate public opinion against sexual harassment of women at the workplace.
These Rules and Procedures shall be applicable to all complaints of sexual harassment made by a woman against a man only by a woman member  and its constituent units against any male member of  and its constituent units provided the harassment has taken place at work place. Responsibilities of  its constituent units
 (a) Ensure a safe environment free from Sexual Harassment for women including prevention and deterrence of Sexual Harassment.
(b) Prepare and prominently display the policy for the prevention and prohibition of Sexual Harassment. (c) Maintain a proactive program to educate all members as to the definition of sexual harassment and procedures for redressal.
(d) Undertake workshops and training programmes at regular intervals for sensitizing the members.
(e) Prominently display notices in various places spreading awareness about the issue of “Sexual Harassment at the Workplace” and giving information for the redressal mechanism that has been put in place and encouraging women to file their grievances.
 (f) Facilitate initiation of proceedings under this Policy through the institution of Committee Against Sexual Harassment for redressal of an act/s of sexual harassment.
 The Complaints Mechanism and the Scope of its Functions Guiding Principles for Constitution of Committees
I This will ensure that the complaint mechanism is effective and accessible for all. Accordingly separate Committees Against Sexual Harassment have been provided for at different levels which will function as Complaint Committee.
 ii). In order to ensure that the Committees Against Sexual Harassment are gender sensitive, representative members will be drawn from different categories.
 iii). In order to create autonomous institutional structures to enquire into complaints of sexual harassment, members from outside NCERT with a known contribution to women’s rights issues shall be included in each Committee.
 iv). The 1997 Supreme Court judgment makes it mandatory for each Committee to have a woman chairperson.
 v). Not less than half of the Committee members shall be women.
 vi). All members of the Committee Against Sexual Harassment should be neutral and unbiased
Power and Duties of all Committees Against Sexual Harassment
A. Preventive Gender sensitization and Orientation
1. To work towards creating an atmosphere promoting equality, non discrimination and gender justice
 2. To promote and facilitate measures to create a work and study environment that is free of sexual harassment of women.
3. To publicise widely the policy against sexual harassment in Hindi, English and the language of the region
 6. To regularly organize and carry out programmes for gender sensitization of members through workshops, seminars, posters, film shows, debates etc.
 B. REMEDIAL Enquiry
1. To receive and take cognizance of complaints made about sexual harassment of women at the workplace.
2. To conduct enquiries into these complaints, place findings before the concerned disciplinary authority and recommend penalties against the harasser in accordance with the rules and procedures laid down. 3. To ensure the safety of the complainant and witnesses during the enquiry and till the final determination of the complaint.
 4. To make efforts to ensure that the complainants and the witnesses are not further victimised or discriminated against while it is dealing with the complaint.
5. To seek medical, police and legal intervention with the consent of the complainant.
6. To make arrangements for appropriate legal, psychological / emotional and physical support for the complainant if she so desires in terms of providing referral numbers.
Guidelines for all Committees Against Sexual Harassment:
a. The Chairperson (woman) and members of the committee to be nominated by the Director from the panels recommended.
 b. At least 50% of the members in each of these categories should be women.
c. The term of each Committee shall be two years. The previous Committee will however continue till the new Committee is constituted.
d. In the event of the expiry of the term of a Committee Against Sexual Harassment during the pendency of an enquiry then for purposes of that complaint the Committee Against Sexual Harassment will be regarded as a valid Committee, under this Policy and Service Rules, till the submission of the Enquiry Report to the disciplinary authority.
e. A person shall be disqualified from being appointed, elected, nominated or designated as, or for being continued as, a member of any Committee Against Sexual Harassment if there is any complaint concerning sexual harassment pending against him, or if he has been found guilty of sexual harassment/serious misconduct.
 Procedure for Registering Complaints
i.                    The mechanism for registering complaints should be safe, accessible and sensitive.
ii.                  All complaints must be brought by the complainant in person.
iii.                 If the complainant wishes, she can be accompanied by a representative.
iv.                Complaints can be lodged directly with any member of the relevant Committee Against Sexual Harassment, or through existing channels for lodging grievances.
v.                  The complaint may be oral or in writing. If the complaint is oral, it shall be reduced in writing by the Complaints Committee member receiving the complaint and the same shall be authenticated by the complainant under her dated signature or thumb impression as the case may be.
vi.                All complaints made to any Committee member must be received and recorded by the member, who shall then inform the Chairperson about the complaint, who in turn shall call a meeting of the Committee.
vii.               All meetings of the committee will be called by the Chairperson and a notice of at least 5 working day
viii.             No person who is a complainant, witness, or defendant in the complaint of sexual harassment shall be a member of a Committee.
ix.                 Any committee member charged with sexual harassment in a written complaint must step down as member during the enquiry into that complaint.

Procedure to be followed by the Committee:
 The committee shall enquire into the complaint of sexual harassment following procedures in conformity with the principles of natural justice and gender sensitivity.
The Committee shall strive to complete the enquiry in the shortest possible time, preferable within three months from the date on which the complaint is referred to and not exceeding it.  Within one week of the institution of enquiry proceedings by the Complaints Committee, the Committee shall prepare a document containing a summary of the complaint such as the location, date and time on which the incident is alleged to have occurred and shall hand over the same to the complainant and the defendant. The defendant shall be given all this information in the prescribed format along with a copy of the Rules and Procedures of this Policy. The Committee shall also make available to the defendant a true copy of the complaint(s) lodged by the complainant(s). All information received in the course of the examination and enquiry into a complaint of sexual harassment shall be held in trust by the concerned Committee Against Sexual Harassment
Enquiry to be completed within 90 days: - The enquiry shall be completed and the Enquiry Report submitted to the Committee Against sexual Harassment within a period of 90 days from the date on which the enquiry is commenced. In the event of any delay in submission of the Enquiry Report the reasons for the same shall be recorded in writing.
1).Any member of the NCERT & its Constituents, non teaching staff, student, service provider, and resident found guilty of sexual harassment shall be liable for disciplinary action.
 2). The penalties listed below are indicative, and shall not constrain the NCERT & its Constituents authorities from considering others, in accordance with the rules governing the conduct of all members of the NCERT.
 A. In the case of academic/administrative/ technical/ non teaching staff/ management, disciplinary action could be in the form of one or more of the following:
 i. Warning
 ii. Written apology
iii. Bond of good behaviour
iv. Gender sensitization
v. Counselling
vi. Adverse remarks in the Confidential Report
vii. Debarring from supervisory duties
viii. Denial of membership of statutory bodies
ix. Denial of re-employment
x Stopping of increments/promotion
x.                  Reverting, demotion
xi.                Transfer
xii.              Dismissal
xiii.            Withdrawal of residential facilities and prohibition from entry on the campus etc
xv. Any other relevant mechanism.
 B. In case of students, disciplinary action could be in the form of:
 i. Warning
ii. Written apology
 iii. Bond of good behavior
 iv. Gender sensitization
v. Counselling
 vi. Debarring entry into a hostel/ campus
vii. Withholding results
viii. Debarring from exams
ix. Debarring from contesting elections
 x. Debarring from holding posts
 xi. Expulsion
 xii. Denial of admission
xiv.            Declaring the harasser as "persona non grata" for a stipulated period of time
xv.              Any other relevant mechanism.
Sexual Harassment amounts to criminal offence:
Where the conduct of Sexual Harassment amounts to a specific offence under the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) or under any other law; it shall be the duty of the Committee Against Sexual Harassment to immediately inform the complainant of her right to initiate action in accordance with law with the appropriate authority, and to give advice and guidance regarding the same.
