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It is a process whereby an individual is unable to satisfy his biological, psychological or social needs successfully and establishes an imbalance between  his personal needs and expectations of the society resulting in the disturbance of psycho- equilibrium
Characteristics of the maladjusted person
1 withdrawn and timid- frequent withdrawal from difficult situations make individual timid and weak in facing real life situations
2 shy and self conscious- concern with their negative evaluation
3 fearful- unpleasant agitation – hide from meeting students of higher class
4 Anxious –anxiety describe the individuals level of emotion
5        Delusions- it is irrational belief –ie god responsible
6 extremely aggressive- leads to tendency to dominate in the class- hurt herself -  kick dogs, child beats her doll
7 tension – person does not feel inner freedom – strains leads to muscle contradiction
8 high aspiration -  person with high hope over future life –when not achieved  become unrealistic in life
 9. Felling of inferiority -  arising from the sense of  imperfection and incompletion –each time  strive for higher level development – adverse condition
10 emotionally disturbed- if internal and external adjustment of a child not achieved he becomes emotional – nail biting, thumb sucking
11    Isolated – suffer a feeling of isolation –not or mix with others in  the class- parents neglect their children
12  Sensitivity – maladjusted children are sensitive 
13  Tamper tandrum- when there is a bad tempered out brust  is known as tapmer tandrum-  if a child does not get fair treatment , sympathy , freedom within a reasonable time  he feels maladjustment.

Causes of Maladjustments
o   Family
  Social
  Economic
  Psychological
o   Personal
o   School
o   Teacher
o   Peer Group
o   Family
         Social Causes : social problem of one generation is the psychological problem of the next generation . Children from broken family- death , divorce, separation , strained relationship, quarrel and fight between spouse, size of the family –large
         Economic Causes : occupational status of parents- unemployment- low economic status
         Psychological causes: psychological insatiability of parents is directly responsible for maladjustments. – over possessive- highly authoritative-unrealistic in their expectations-  children get frustrated --- nail biting - day dreaming – children try to get attention of others through other means.
         Personal causes: physically, mentally and visually handicapped react abnormal to the situation. If they can not score well academically compared to their peers , they develop an inferiority complex.
         School / teacher related causes : maladjusted teachers , partiality, inadequate curriculum ,defective examination system.
         Peer group related causes: un healthy relationship with peer group-  good look, athletic abilities ,social class etc.


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