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Learning Resources -Commerce

Learning Resources
1. Bulletin Board
Bulletin board is a device that display news cuttings, posters, articles,  paintings advertisement copies, leaflets etc, collected by the students that has relevance to Commerce. Bulletin board is very suitable for pasting announcements and assignments. Students themselves should be made in charge of the bulletin boards and the teacher
should only act as a guide. The skill of information gathering and dissemination can be achieved through this activity.
2. Library
Library is a resource centre which provide information to the students through secondary devices namely text books, reference books, journals, magazines, newspapers, internet etc. If assignments including solution to problems are carefully given work in the library for their completion will develop desirable reading habits among
students. It creates reading habits among students and enable them to better utilise leisure time in the School.
3. Club
Club helps to develop the potential skills, capabilities and knowledge of the students. It enhances the team building process, collective and participatory learning, promote innovative ideas, enrich the existing knowledge, and develop interactive skills enable
organisational and leadership qualities.
1 Conducting commerce and management quiz
 2 Conducting essay competitions on commerce topics and current affairs 
3 Conducting invited lectures/ seminars of professionals,  academicians, industrialists, educationalists etc.
4 Conducting debates on contemporary topics with active participation of students.
5 Conducting exhibitions on commerce.
6 Conducting study trips to industrial units, business establishments, financial enterprises, business schools.
4. Activity Log in Business Studies
Activity log is a record of activities undertaken by the students as part of the learning process. The students should record the whole learning process, the problems encountered during the learning process, possible courses of action, constraints and difficulties, innovative ideas etc. The teacher should periodically verify and review the activity log maintained by the students and make necessary comments and suggestions.
Teacher Text of Business Studies
The teacher text is aimed at helping the commerce teacher in the transaction of the new curriculum.
• makes clear the learning outcomes.
• contains the minimum package of learning activities.
• provides guidelines for planning the activities.
• provides hints for assessment during the learning process
and at the end of a period.
• stimulates teacher’s thinking.


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